FDA唯一设备标识 (UDI)
2023-08-26 浏览次数:53次
FDA 有权命令某些医疗器械的制造商建立和维护跟踪其器械的系统 (21 CFR 821)。这是为了确保制造商可以在必要时*将设备从市场上撤下,并通知患者和提供者设备的任何重大问题。
FDA Fact Sheets: Unique Device Identification (UDI) To more effectively identify medical devices through their distribution and use, FDA requires devices be identified with a unique device identification (UDI) number. A UDI is a unique numeric or alphanumeric code that is part of a device's labeling and includes a device identifier, which is specific to a device model, and a production identifier, which includes the production information for that specific device (lot, serial number or expiration date). Another component of the UDI system is an FDA-controlled database that includes a standard set of identifying elements for each UDI. This information is publicly available so that users of a medical device can easily look up the information.bys0613.b2b168.com/m/